Thursday, March 1, 2012

So today...

was uneventful, yup uneventful. We're you expecting something awesome and exciting? Now let me tell you something you want fun and exciting? Unless someone brings that to you, on accident or on purpose your life will be the same. You want fun? You want excitement? Let's be real with ourselves here, your not going to find it by sitting in your room, moping, I think that's the right word for it but really.

Seriously though, I think this is more for myself as well as everyone who does what I do. "Oh, my life is so boring there is nothing to do. I'm going to die of boredom just end it now." Really? Really now? because that sounds like soooo much fun. I think I've made my point by now, but in reality unless your just a whiny little punk you would not be bored and have something to do, then be bored all the time. Yah, it's chill to be bored here and there but all the time with nothing to do is another thing.

So you say you would do anything to not be bored, or maybe it's not just being bored you would do anything to be a better artist, a better piano player, a better person. Well apparently not your, your not willing to try. You just complain about it. But it's so hard you say, yah I understand I've been there, it's tough you just gotta keep going to reach your goals and dreams. Life isn't going to hand you things on a silver platter. It most times you have to just work for it, and see what happens....

That's what I'm going to do, I'll let you know how that all works out...

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